Thursday, July 02, 2015

DNF: Grey by E.L. James / Did not finish/Não terminei

E.L. James

I have to admit I'm not a fan of this series at all, I just enjoy male POVs, so thought I'd give this one a try. Well... I did read the first 50 Shades book a few years ago, and wasn't impressed. And I'm still not. Grey was dull, repetitive (that was expected, but still...) and lacked... heart, I guess. James' writing didn't seem to evolve much in all these years. It still reads like a bad fanfiction. I actually finished the first one, but this one... was DNF'd at 15%.
Still, if you're into the 50 shades fad, you'll have to try this one.

Achei Grey muito insosso, repetitivo (o que era meio esperado, claro, é outro POV). Eu não sou fã da série, só li o primeiro, mas achei que a versão masculina fosse ser mais interessante (mesmo se escrita por uma mulher). Só que parece uma fanfic iniciante, bem apressada. A autora realmente me parecia estar com pressa de vender. Mas se você é fã, precisa ler e ver o que acha.

Have you read this one already? What did you think? Should I try to get back to it?

1 comment:

  1. I read this one and I loved it, for sure. And for me it was better than 50 Shades, Anastasia is the dullest of them all. Grey is obsessive and it really, for sure, seems like a fanfictions. Maybe I would write it better (haha).


I would love to read what you have to say. :)