Saturday, July 12, 2014

Quickie Review of Breathe by Sarah Crossan

Breathe by Sarah Crossan
Breathe (Breathe, #1)
by Sarah Crossan

4 of 5 stars
(It was my own copy)

Oh, this one was definitely cover-love at first sight (I'm crazy about blues/purples and pinks, it's not something I can help), but the content, thankfully, was just as good! "Breathe" literally made me breathless (I know, THAT was a very predictable statement), but I really mean it. I kept gasping, then trying to breathe less and more slowly, just like the characters. That made for some really strange glances from my family. :P 

I liked the changing POV's and the characters wer really believable. I love it when I can connect with them (and, well, CARE at all), and am now looking forward to the next book. Turns out controlling/insane/lying/dystopians governments just never get old

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