by Cheryl Rainfield
Visions can kill you. Would you risk your life to save someone else’s?
Kate sees psychic visions of the future and the past—but only when she's having an asthma attack. When she "sees" her sister being beaten, she needs more visions to try to save her, along with a suicidal classmate—but triggering her asthma could kill her. Parallel Visions is the story of one brave, caring girl whose unusual gifts put her own life in danger.
A new YA fantasy from the award-winning author of SCARS and HUNTED.
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal
Publication Date: November 20th, 2012
Publisher: Rain and Sun Press
Format: e-book, 146 pages
Series: yes
Source: author
My Review

Parallel Visions is a wonderful, intense, quick read! I chose to post it today because it's very emotional. It deals with family issues and shows the protagonist overcoming obstacles and finding happiness by being herself. If that's not Christmas-sy, then I don't know what is. :) So here it goes:
Kate suffers from asthma. That means she always has to be careful fo her surroundings, always avoiding places with too much dust, pollen, smoke, well, pretty much anything with strong smells or fumes that might trigger off an asthma attack. Because of that, Kate also has to avoid strenuous activities. In other words, she misses a lot of school, and running with her classmates during Phys ED is pretty much out of question... not that THAT would stop her from trying to hang out with Gil, the kind-hearted and yummy guy from her school. Having asthma really sucks, especially when you have an attack in front of the guy you like and your class keeps standing there, staring at you while you try to stay alive.
But you know what makes it even worse? Having visions while you're trying to desperately breathe in some oxygen while your airways are closing. Visions of the past and the future. Visions you feel bound to avoid happening, even knowing that no one will believe what you're saying will happen. Kate is very much used to that. However, this time it envolves people very close to her. Her own sister, Jenna, who is being abused and controled by her husband, and denying it; and Gil's sister, a depressed homosexual girl who was gang-raped and is now planning on committing suicide. Kate has a lot on her hands, trying to protect the people she cares about... but who'll protect her from those who want to stop her?
As if high school alone wasn't bad enough.
I was sucked into this story immediately! I never met anyone suffering from asthma, but I certainly herad a lot about it. I can't even imagine how terrible it must be, to be always short of breath, or constantly coughing and depending on medicine. How very helpless it must be. But Kate reminds us that it is not the end of the world. She doesn't let herself be dimished by it, even if her sister blames her for being an 'attention whore', keeing their parents all to herself, and when people would overreact everytime she had an attack, trying to keep her sheltered and protected, but failing to notice that they were, in fact, smothering her. Oh, and I have to say it: it was so unnerving when people wouldn't believe her visions, even with all the believable things she kept pointing out! ARGH!!! I just wanted to shake her parents. LOL.
All in all, this made for a fantastic read! My only problem with it was that it was too short! I really can't wait for the next book, I want to see more of Gil!!! ;)
I would like to thank the author, the lovely Cheryl Rainfield. for giving me the chance to read and review her most recently published book. It was just as incredibly intriguing and intense as Scars. *-*
Give this one a chance, Paranormal YA, fans. It's not just another pretty cover (even if it HAS a pretty cover).
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