Enjoy the following excerpt for CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE...
Gabe Sullivan’s
captain, Todd, stepped into the room.
“How’re you
feeling, Gabe?”
“Good, Captain.”
He moved to sit
up straighter on the bed and Todd shook his head. “You’re fine just like that.
I know your skull must hurt like hell.” He nodded back to the doorway. “Are you
ready to see Ms. Harris and her daughter, Summer?”
No, he thought, he’d be better off never seeing those eyes
He’d thought
about Megan and her daughter one too many times for comfort. Not just because
he was reviewing the rescue, trying to look for what he could have done
differently, to have gotten them out faster and more safely—but because he
hadn’t been able to forget her strength, how hard she’d fought to stay
conscious, and what a fighter she’d been every single second of the harrowing
journey from her burning apartment.
Still, he
understood that fire victims often felt compelled to say thank you to the men
who had saved them. Especially in a case like this, where they’d just barely
held death at bay.
“Sure.” He began
to nod, but a sharp shooting pain stopped him halfway into the movement.
Catching his
grimace, Todd said, “I’ll ask Megan and her daughter to come back later.”
Her name fit her,
Gabe had found himself thinking one too many times. Megan was pretty and strong all at the same time. It would be
better to think of her as Ms. Harris. Although, he had to wonder, was there a
husband? And if so, where had he been during the fire and why wasn’t he here
with them now?
“No,” he said,
“it’ll be better if I see them now.”
She’d say thank
you, he’d tell her he was happy to see her and her daughter doing so well, and
that would be that. No more being haunted by her eyes, by the surprising
strength she’d shown him as she’d crawled on the floor of her apartment and
down the stairs.
A couple of
minutes later, Todd walked back in with the mother and daughter. Ignoring the
pain in his head, Gabe sat up higher and forced a smile on his face.
And then, his
eyes locked with Megan’s and his smile froze in place.
My God, he found himself thinking before he could shove the thought away, she’s
The last time
he’d seen her face it had been through a thick haze of dark smoke and the
knowledge that one wrong move meant their lives were over. Her eyes were just
as big and pretty, her limbs looked as lean and strong as they had when he’d
been helping to move her along the floor, but now he could see the softness in
her, the sweet curves of her breasts and hips in her T-shirt and jeans. He
couldn’t stop staring at the startling green of her eyes, the silky dark hair
falling across her shoulders, and the way her pretty young daughter was a carbon
copy of her, the only difference their hair color, one dark, one light.
She seemed just
as stunned as he and for a long moment, the two of them just stared at each
other in silence until her daughter ran over to him and threw her arms around
..Excerpt from CAN’T HELP
FALLING IN LOVE by Bella Andre ©2012.
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About The Sullivans: In this sexy, emotional and funny contemporary romance series, each member of the Sullivan family will eventually find true love…usually where he or she least expects it.
Get the eBooks via Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, the iBookStore, or the Kobo Store.
Audiobooks are also available for the first five in the series (with more coming soon). Plus, keep an eye out for paperback editions coming from Harlequin Romance starting Summer 2013.
About the Author: New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Bella Andre has always been a writer. Songs came first, and then non-fiction books, but as soon as she started writing her first romance novel, she knew she’d found her perfect career. Known for “sensual, empowered stories enveloped in heady romance” (Publishers Weekly) about sizzling alpha heroes and the strong women they’ll love forever, nearly all of her novels have appeared on Top 10 lists at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Kobo.
Her books have been Cosmopolitan Magazine “Red Hot Reads” twice and have been translated into nine languages. Winner of the Award of Excellence, The Washington Post has called her “One of the top digital writers in America” and she has been featured by NPR, USA Today, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. She has given the keynote speech at Book Expo America on her self-publishing success and has sold more than one million books.
If not behind her computer, you can find her reading her favorite authors, hiking, swimming or laughing. Married with two children, Bella splits her time between the Northern California wine country and a 100 year old log cabin in the Adirondacks.
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