Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Venda de Livros Usados em inglês importados

FRETE GRÁTIS - Livros importados usados em inglês - capa mole e dura/hardcover/hardback

Capa dura: R$40,00
Capa mole/brochura: R$20,00


Deadline - Mira Grant
The Testing - Joelle Charbonneau
Born Wicked - Jessica Spotswood
Black City - Elizabeth Richards
Ashes, Ashes - Jo Treggiari
Dark Inside - Jeyn Roberts
The Future of Us - Carolyn Mackler and Jay Asher

Livros importados à ‪#‎venda‬ ‪#‎sebo‬ ‪#‎livrosusados‬ ‪#‎inglês‬ ‪#‎hardcover‬ ‪#‎capadura‬ ‪#‎hardback‬ ‪#‎importados‬ ‪#‎eminglês‬ ‪#‎livros‬
#thefuteofus #jayasher #ashesashes #darkinside #jeynroberts #jotreggiari #blackcity #elizabethrichards #bornwicked #jessicaspotswood #thetesting #joellecharbonneau #miragrant #deadline

Venda de Livros Importados Novos em Inglês

Livros Novos

Livros importados à #venda #sebo #livrosusados #inglês #hardcover #capadura #hardback #importados #eminglês #livros #jrward #bloodkiss #highschooldebut #mangá #theunidentifiedredhead #aliceclayton #nalinisingh #angelsflight #endofdays #susanee #deadofwinter #kresleycole #arcana #poisonprincess #firelight #hungerlikenoother #ensnared #aghoward #glassarrow #kristensimmons #prudence #gailcarriger

Em capa dura e capa mole, todos novinhos, nunca nem mesmo abertos.

Capa dura: R$80 com frete incluso

Brochura: R$46,00 com frete incluso

Pocket: R$35,00 com frete incluso


Prudence (Hardback)
By (author) Gail Carriger

Angels' Flight (Paperback)
By (author) Nalini Singh

Angels' Flight (Paperback)
By (author) Nalini Singh

The Glass Arrow (Hardback)
By (author) Kristen Simmons

Ensnared (Hardback)
By (author) A. G. Howard

High School Debut: Volumes 13, 14, & 15 (Paperback)
By (author) Kazune Kawahara

BOOK THREE in the Penryn and the End of Days series (Paperback)
By (author) Susan Ee

Firelight (Paperback)
By (author) Kristen Callihan

Dead of Winter: The Arcana Chronicles Book 3 (Paperback)
By (author) Kresley Cole

The Unidentified Redhead (Paperback)
By (author) Alice Clayton

A Hunger Like No Other (Paperback)
By (author) Kresley Cole

Priest: A Love Story (Paperback)
By (author) Sierra Simone

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Books and Bookmarks

I always buy my imported books online, and they hardly ever come with bookmarks, so I have to make do with the ones I find here, in my own country, after the titles are translated and published locally. Even though, these bookmarks are not easy to come by. We have groups on Facebook where we do trades. LOL. Some are extremely rare, and people even buy/auction them, sometimes. 
The few American ones I do have are thanks to a lovely friend from Portugal I met on one of those groups, and she gave/sold me some of the "swag" she got from authors for her blog. She has so much awesome stuff!!!
If you're curious to see some of my books and bookmarks from my collections, here are a few pictures. ;) 

 Interesting to see such different covers, huh?

 Loved this book!

 I must say, I almost fell over when I opened this book and a bookmark fell out! I got it from Book Depo, but something like this had never happened before. Thanks for the treat, Penguin!

 How not to love this series?

 In this case, these are all in the same language. You guys cannot even begin to imagine how IMPOSSIBLE it is to find manga bookmarks. You have to almost literally sell your soul (and go to events in other states and sign up to entire manga collections just in hope to get one or two. It's insane).

Looking forward to reading this one. :3

I know, it's not the right book, but it's such a rare bookmark, I had to show it off.

After Julia Quinn recently came to our country, her publishing house printed more of her previously hard-to-find bookmarks, and I got them in a trade with a nice girl from one of those FB groups I mentioned before. In my particular city, I can never find anything good in the three (THREE!) small bookstores we have. That's what happens when you live in a country that isn't so keen on reading, and you can't exactly afford to live in a capital. 

Funny how they decided on an entirely different theme for the covers.

They just seem so much more... grown up, I guess.

More realistic.

This is a super, SUPER rare bookmark, and an awesome friend of mine, Nat, one of the few who also enjoy reading books in their original language, traded it with me. <3 We've been trading books in English for years, and now moved on to bookmarks as well. :D

LOVE you, L.H. Cosway!!! Still can't believe I won one of your giveaways and that the prize actually made its way to me!!! Thanks for not sucking in this particular case, Brazilian IRS. I'll never forgive you for losing/stealing so many of the books I've ordered/won in these last 5 years. NEVER, I say.

Again, I know, entirely different series, but it's the same author! :P

Hah! Even a magnet! So cute. Thanks, Raquel! (My friend from Portugal) 

More sweetness from Raquel.


Damn, I love this author!!! I cried so much with this book!

Those are actually stickers, but... :P

Aaaand we're done for today. :)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Quickie Review/Resenha Curta: O Desfiladeiro do Medo/Coldheart Canyon - Clive Barker

Eu ganhei o volume em uma promoção no Twitter, então acabei começando a ler sem esperar muito, mas.... UAU!!! A história ficava cada vez melhor, e quando percebi já tinha passado da metade deste volume monstruoso. Mas nunca vi tantos erros gramaticais, de concordância e de digitação. O editor deve ter ficado com muita preguiça... Mas o que importa é o enredo!! Inédito, maluco, envolvente!
Um livro diferente, que mexe com as emoções, sensações, assusta e nos faz pensar em nossas ações. O primeiro que li deste autor, e estou seriamente inclinada a preferi-lo ao Stephen King. E eu AMO Stephen King.

Atualização: Reli em inglês e é ainda mais assustador! XD I <3 Barker.
Fiz minha mãe ler, ela é doida por terror, e acabei ficando sem meu livro! hehe. Tive que comprar outra edição, mas isso já diz tudo! Vá e frente e ache uma cópia.

Amazing!!! I won this book from a Twitter giveaway, so I began to read it without expecting much, but.... WOW!!!
This story just got better and better, and when I finally had to stop, I was already done with half of this monstrous volume.
Such an excellent plot !! Unprecedented, crazy and engaging! A different kind of book that stirs the emotions, scares you and makes you think about our own actions in certain situations.
This is the first I've read by this author, and I'm seriously inclined to say I like him better than Stephen King. And I LOVE Stephen King.

(Got my mom, a horror aficionado to try this, and she stole the book from me. So, yeah. Go read it!)